Sunday 27 August 2017


This week our poem was about a tooth falling out.

It is very topical in Room 9 as so many children have either wiggly teeth or teeth that have just come out. 

We wrote about our wiggly teeth. Here are a few examples.

My Little Tooth

One Saturday when I was on the iPad and I bit through an apple, my wiggly tooth suddenly came out. It felt kind of smooth and left a gap. It was just white and pink underneath. I got $2. It was real money! The Tooth Fairy’s name was Tootheeana. I knew her name because I wrote a note that said “Please write your name here.”
I was really excited. I also put some grapes out for her. It was fun.
I spent the $2 on a  claw machine that gives you heaps and heaps of chocolates. We call it the chocolate claw. It is amazing. It is so amazing that when I see it I run towards it.
It kind of hurt when the tooth came out. Then my tongue always stuck through the gap, but now I have a grown up tooth in the place where it had been.

By Charlotte

My Wiggly Tooth
When my tooth fell out, mum was asleep. I just twisted it around and around. It was white and shiny. I put it under my pillow. The tooth fairy came and I didn’t feel it.
Now another one of my teeth is wiggly. I think it is going to fall out at school and I hope it is going to so that I get money from the tooth fairy and I like the tooth fairy because she gives us money.

By Alexis

My Wiggly Tooth

At Judo a tooth was wiggling and I stopped Judo. I told the teacher. My teacher took the tooth out. The tooth was sharp and blood came out. There was a hole and I put my tongue through my gap. I am keeping the tooth. My tooth was small and felt strange. It was shiny and white. When I am eating some food gets stuck so I eat on the right side of my mouth.

By Jupi

My Wiggly Tooth

My tooth was wiggly and oh so free. My dad twisted it and the little tooth was out! It felt a bit sore. I was in the spa and out I was, sharing it to the people in my house. That night I put it under …my pillow. In the morning I looked under my pillow. Oh, no coin…but only a bag. When I picked up the bag, it was heavy. I looked in it there was four coins! It was sparkly, well glittery coins. I spent most of the tooth fairy money on a necklace. No more tooth. Just a …grown up tooth!
My grown up tooth had little pointy spikes at the top.
I do miss my milk tooth. I want it back.
I eventually had another wiggly tooth. It was very wiggly too. That time I got two dollars. It was silly because the note I got with the last one said that next time I would only get one dollar…but the tooth fairy forgot.

By Jessica

My Wiggly Tooth

My first two wiggly teeth came out when I was eating a rice cracker in the KFC drive through. Then I swallowed that tooth. My other tooth came out when I was eating a sausage roll in the car. My mum was shocked. I got five dollars altogether. My mum was shocked at how many teeth I swallowed.

By Summer

My Wiggly Tooth

When my four wiggly teeth came out they were small and white. I didn’t feel my wiggly teeth come out. I wiggled them a lot. My two top teeth were bunny teeth. My bottom teeth were sharp teeth.
My tongue could poke through the four spaces.
I put my four teeth in an envelope under my pillow.

By Aoife

My Wiggly Tooth

Guess what? My tooth fell out.
One time my tooth fell out at school. I was sitting on the mat and I pulled my wiggly white tooth. That tooth was a baby tooth. When I got home my parents were happy. When it got dark it was bedtime. Then it was morning. The tooth fairy didn’t come.
When I smile I see a gap and when I brush my teeth I have to brush one less, also I can feel my gum. It feels slimy and spitty.
Now I have a hole and now my tongue almost squeezes out. I have a black line under the missing tooth.
I wonder if my new tooth will be really strong?

By Sibgha

My Wiggly Tooth

Wow, you would never guess what happened?
One of my teeth got wiggly. It got wiggly at home. It was very sore. Now when I look in the mirror I see a sad wiggly tooth. That tooth is my favourite tooth but now he will have a new adventure with the tooth fairy.
Oh I just forgot that when I look in the mirror I even see my big grown up tooth peeking through my wet, slimy gum.
I wonder how much money I will get?

By Isobel

My Wiggly Tooth

One day after school I pulled my tooth out. It felt wet and strange and it looked sharp and white. That night the tooth fairy came and left one dollar. The next day I felt my tongue poking out of the hole. The tooth next to it was wiggly. On Wednesday I pulled it out on the mat in Room 9. That night the tooth fairy came to my home and left one dollar. Now I have a BIG hole! When I smile the hole peeks through.

By Molly

My Wiggly Tooth

Last time my tooth fell out, I didn’t feel anything because I was sleeping. I had been wiggling it for ages. It was white and inside there was dried blood. I have a little box that is shaped like a tooth and there is a tooth on it too.
My tongue keeps going through the hole. When I smile I show a gap. My food gets stuck there too. My big tooth is coming through. I am getting really excited!

By Lucy


  1. Very interesting tooth stories Room 9! And everyone is experiencing it slightly different. Thanks for sharing...

  2. Wow such informative stories you tell room 9! Its was great to read all about your wiggly teeth.
